Tuesday 27 April 2010

visit to Centre of Cognitive Science, Freiburg University

Thanks to being grounded in Germany by the ash cloud, I got a chance to visit Christoph Hoelscher and his group at the Centre of Cognitive Science in Freiburg last week. I had met him some time ago when he was paying a visit to Kenny's lab at Northumbria, and I was really pleased that he was able to make some time for me given the short notice. He has been working a lot on indoor navigation (e.g. [1]), and I did get to see a few experiments they had implemented to test various aspects relating to indoor navigation (e.g. the impact of specific architectural features, different types of landmarks, strategies when navigating different types of environments).
They are using different types of VR environments to conduct their studies, which is closely related to the immersive video/panoramic photograph approach we've been using/investigating here.

[1] Hölscher, C., Meilinger, T., Vrachliotis, G., Brösamle, M., & Knauff, M. (2006). Up the Down Staircase: Wayfinding Strategies and Multi-Level Buildings. Journal of Environmental Psychology 26(4), 284-299.

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